Please allow me that, apart from my regrettable ignorance of the Hungarian language, I remain Magyar in my heart and soul from birth to the grave. As a consequence, I earnestly wish to further the progress of Hungarian music.

Liszt to Antal Augusz

Köztelek Street Building

Address: 1092 Budapest, Köztelek utca 8., phone:  (1) 323-1750


How to reach:

  • Tram No. 4. or No. 6. - take off at stop Corvin negyed (formerly Ferenc körút)
  • Tram No. 47. or No. 49. - take off at stop Kálvin tér
  • Blue metro line (No.3.) - take off at station Corvin negyed (formerly Ferenc körút) or Kálvin tér (the street is located half-way between the two stations)
  • Bus No. 15, 115 - take off at stop Köztelek utca


The building houses the Jazz Department.