Duo Musiciens Libres Scores New Success

2015. április 10.

The duo made up of harpist Anastasia Razvaljajeva and guitarist Miklós Környei won a gold diploma and a special award at the 7th Svirél International Music Competition and Festival in Slovenia.

In the chamber music category of the Svirél International Music Competition and Festival organized for the seventh time this year in Dobrovo Castle, the Duo Musiciens Libres achieved the highest possible score and was thus awarded a gold certificate, along with an invitation to the 2015/16 concert season of the Ljubljana Festival.

Founded in 2011, the duo of Anastasia Razvaljajeva (harp) and Miklós Környei (guitar) researches original works for harp and guitar as well as making their own arrangements. Both musicians graduated from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music; participated in the Liszt Academy’s special talent program; won the Junior Prima Award in 2011 and 2014; and are current recipients of the Annie Fisher scholarship. They regularly give both solo and chamber music performances – next time they take to the stage as members of the Musiciens Libres chamber ensemble on 28 April in the Solti Hall. In 2014 the duo was awarded second prize at the 4th International Spanish Harp Chamber Music Competition in Madrid, and third prize in chamber music category at the 4th "Suoni d'Arpa" International Competition in Briosco, Italy. In their preparation they are assisted by renowned musicians and professors of the Liszt Academy like József Eötvös, Balázs Fülei, Zoltán Füzéressy, Sándor Szilvágyi and Andrea Vigh. You can find more information on the artists – including a short video of their tour in Slovenia – on their social site.
