Junior Prima Prizes for music 2016

2016. november 1.

The awardees of the Junior Prima Prize this year are Barnabás Baranyai, Misi Boros, Barnabás Brindás, Domonkos Csabay, Dániel Erdélyi, Gábor Homoki, Krisztián Kocsis, Gyula Rab, Fülöp Ránki and Péter Tornyai.

The chair of the jury and the president of the Liszt Academy, Andrea Vigh pointed out at the awards ceremony on 27 October that „this prize is a wonderful opportunity without which the first steps on the career path of these young musicians would be much more difficult. She said that the jury again had an extremely difficult time reaching the verdict, as Hungary teems with young musical talents, but merely ten such laureates could be selected for the award who will be playing an important role in the world of music not only nationwide but internationally in the years to come.”

The 2-million HUF financial support going with the prize was given to the cellist Barnabás Baranyai, the pianist Mihály Boros, the trombonist Barnabás Brindás, the pianist Domonkos Csabay, the conductor Dániel Erdélyi, the violinist Gábor Homoki, the pianist Krisztián Kocsis, the tenor singer Gyula Rab, the pianist Fülöp Ránki and the composer Péter Tornyai, who are still or were till of late students of the Liszt Academy.

The jury presenting the accolades to aid young talents in achieving the highest possible standard, to begin a successful music career and work towards even higher accomplishments consisted of -  besides the Liszt prize-winning harpist Andrea Vigh -  the Prima Primissima and Kossuth Prize awardee opera singer, Andrea Rost, the Kossuth and Liszt prize laureate violinist Miklós Szenthelyi, the Liszt prize-winning pianist Kálmán Dráfi, the Liszt prize and Eminient Artist awardee cellist János Devich, the Erkel prize laureate composer Gyula Fekete, Károly Binder, a pianist also recognised with the  Erkel Prize, the Liszt- Junior Prima Prize-winning trumpeter Gábor Boldoczki, the cellist and concert organiser László Jakobi and the Liszt and Junior Prima Prize laureate pianist János Balázs.
