Kodály's method of teaching music is brilliant …. All good music-making begins with the voice.

Sir Georg Solti

Concert Centre News

Liszt and poetry

13 March 2014

Dr. Thomas Mastroianni, President of the American Liszt Society, will hold a two-day piano master class combined with lecture on the works of Liszt associated with literature, on 8-9 April 2014.


You Are Alone

7 March 2014

Interview with Kristóf Baráti on the occasion of his first solo recital at the Academy of Music. Written by Peter Lorenz


Looking back on the Reconnections-project

7 March 2014

The joint workshop of the Liszt Academy and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in Budapest has ended with a successful concert in the Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall.


Senior lecturer of the Liszt Academy in Cambridge

5 March 2014

László Stachó, senior lecturer at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, has won a three-month research scholarship of the joint research centre for music performance of Cambridge University, Oxford University and King's College London.


Liszt Museum endowed with rarities

2 March 2014

An autograph orchestral transcription by Ferenc Liszt of the song Erlkönig by Schubert and other valuable acquisitions were unveiled in the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum of the Liszt Academy in the presence of the President of the Republic János Áder on Wednesday.


László Fassang to teach at the Paris Conservatoire from autumn

28 February 2014

The head of the organ department of the Liszt Academy won the post in improvisation performance skills at the Paris institution; he takes up the appointment from the start of the next academic year. He has hopes of nurturing numerous joint projects between the two academies.
