Semmelweis Street Building

Address: 1052 Budapest, Semmelweis utca 12., phone: (1) 318-2044

How to reach:

  • Yellow, blue, red metro lines (Nos. 1,2,3) - take off at Deák tér
  • Red metro line (No. 2.) - take off at Astoria
  • Blue metro line (No. 3.) - take off at Ferenciek tere
  • Bus line Nos. 5, 7, 8, 112, 173, 908, 956 - take off at Astoria
  • Tram No. 47, 49 - take off at Deák tér


This building houses since Februrary 2014 the Folk Music Department. Some of the compulsory percussion and theory classes are also held here.