Liszt Academy Artist Management

Founded in 2013, the Career Office aims to support young musicians who are planning to become soloists in launching their performing careers by helping them to develop their repertoire and concert programmes, prepare their portfolios and establish contacts with concert promoters in Hungary and abroad, as well as providing them with as many opportunities as possible to perform. The Career Office, which initially assisted students selected by audition, is now available to all of our students on the following topics:

  1. For many years, the artist management workshops set up by the Career Office for students at the Academy have been a great success. These events are usually held twice a year, online or in person, with international experts sharing their experience in areas such as project management, branding, repertoire building, and presenting online and offline. The workshops also focus on developing practical management skills (collaborating with others, project development and presentation skills). The workshops are free for everyone, but registration is required.

  2. Since 2020, the Career Office has expanded its activities to include a wide range of career counselling for the Academy’s performance art MA students. The Career Office staff offer regular appointments (Thursdays, 10.00–12.00) and are ready to advise on a variety of topics:

- questions related to students’ concert commissions (e.g. legal, billing and fee-related),

- self-management, writing a CV and programme building,

- developing project ideas and finding collaborative partners, and

- identifying resources and budgeting.

This service is available to all students free of charge. To make an appointment, please contact karrieriroda [at] zeneakademia [dot] hu.

The Career Office focuses on the latest developments in artist management. While it doesn’t offer full representation, it tries to provide an ever-increasing number of prestigious performance opportunities for selected young talents in Hungary and abroad. If you’re interested, please send your application with a CV in Hungarian and English and two programme proposals to karrieriroda [at] zeneakademia [dot] hu. Chamber formations are preferred, but solo performance proposals are also welcome.



The main task of the Artist Management office is to boost the performing careers of the selected students, providing them with assistance in developing their repertoire and concert programmes, building up their portfolios and forging relationships with the media, concert managers and talent agencies both at home and abroad. The office also assists the students in entering competitions, enrolling in courses, participating in auditions, and applying for scholarships. The President of the Liszt Academy, on the recommendation of the Heads of Departments and in consultation with the Programme Director, selects two or three exceptionally talented senior-year students every year, for induction into the Artist Management programme in the following three years. The jury decided to support Mihály Demeniv (accordion), Mira Farkas (harp), Eszter Karasszon (cello), Dóra Kokas (cello), Bálint Kruppa (violin), Kata Scheuring (flute) and Marcell Szabó (piano).


Please find the portfolios of the supported young talents by clicking on the photos above.


Photos: Misi Kondella