Folk Music Department 15

2 October 2022, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Folk music

Folk Music Department 15 Presented by Liszt Academy

Dance melodies from Magyarpéterlak
Áron Rostás (cimbalom), Zsolt Nagy (viola), Domonkos Bálint (double bass)
Melodies from Szentes from the repertoire of József Váczi
Marcell Horváth (hurdy-gurdy), Miklós Félegyházi (bagpipe), Zsombor Tulipán (clarinet)
Christmas songs and boricas from Hétfalu
Fanni Nádasdy (vocals), Áron Várai (vocals), Luca Csenki-Túri (violin), Zalán Csenki (cobza)
Student songs from Sárospatak melodiaries of the late 18th century
István Hegedűs, Bálint Horváth, István Csörsz Rumen, Miklós Félegyházi, Ákos Gubinecz, Zoltán Gárgyán (vocals)
Kolovođa – Croatian tambura music along the Drava region from the collection of Tihamér Vujicsics
Members of Vujicsics Ensemble, current and former instrumental and vocal students and teachers of the Folk Music Department
Malo kolo – koló series from the collection of Tihamér Vujicsics and Béla Bartók
Current and former students and teachers of tamboura, accordion and wind instruments
Kalino oro és Čarlama – Macedonian and Serbian dance melodies
Members of the Vujicsics Ensemble and current and former tamboura, accordion and wind students and teachers of the Folk Music Department
A selection from the collections of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály along the Ipoly river
Bendegúz Avas, Zsombor Tóth (bagpipe)
From Moldva to Bácska
Alexandra Berta (zither, vocals), Zalán Csenki (cobza), Bálint Horváth (basszprímtambura)
Melodies from Szentes from Dániel Szenyéri's repertoire
Petra Buglyó (vocals), Zsombor Tulipán (clarinet), Marcell Horváth (hurdy-gurdy), Miklós Félegyházi (bagpipe)
Sounds of Far Away Lands - folk songs from Béla Bartók's collections in Turkey (1936) and Algeria (1913)
Majda Mária Boros-Guessous (vocals), László Szlama (recorder, cobza), Gerzson Dávid Boros (davul, darabuka), Saïd Tichiti (guembri), Tamás Smuk (darabuka)
Keserves and Czardas from Magyarszovát
Petra Buglyó (vocals), Zsombor Tulipán (recorder)
Hungarian Dance and összerázás from Magyarszovát
Tamás Gombai, Tamás Nyitrai, Borbála Takács (violin), Péter Árendás, Szabolcs Szilágyi (kontra), Domonkos Bálint (double bass), Marianna Nyitrai, Sára Zolnai (vocals)

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 2 500