17 May 2024, 09.00-19.00
Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall
A 21st Century Perspective on Liszt and His Contemporaries
Presented by Liszt Academy
Conference in English and German Language
21st Century Perspective on Liszt and his Contemporaries – the Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum and Research Centre is organizing an international conference with the participation of researchers from nine countries. The lectures are given in English and German language. The conference was created with the aim that researchers working in different institutions and countries can share the latest results of the Liszt-research, exchange their experiences personally, also coordinate the future goals of the research. During the two-day meeting, in addition to foreign experts, Hungarian researchers, primarily the members of the Franz Liszt Research Center will present the current situation of the Hungarian Liszt-research. The conference days are closed by a CD and book presentation, and the event ends with the Museum's upcoming morning concert, Marouan Benabdallah’s piano recital on 18 May.
Welcome: Mária Eckhardt
Chair: Mária Eckhardt
9.15: Dolores Pesce
Speculations, Revelations and Enigmas: Exploring Liszt’s Haushaltsbuch 1884-86
9.45: David Trippett
Traces of Friendship: Liszt’s Stammbuch
10.15: Wolfgang Seibold
Liszt korrigiert frühe Biographien über ihn
Chair: Rainer Kleinertz
11.05: Laurence Le Diagon-Jacquin
A fantastic Lisztian Melodrama: Lenore
11.35: Nicola Baroni
La Lugubre Gondola. Transcultural and sacred resonances in Liszt’s late music
12.05: Zsuzsanna Domokos
Special Transcriptions in Liszt's oeuvre
Chair: David Trippett
14.30: Ágnes Watzatka
Inspiration and Programme in Liszt’s De profundis (Psaume instrumental)
15.00: Paul Merrick
The Thirteenth Station
15.30: Adrienne Kaczmarczyk
The afterlife of Malédiction in Liszt’s Weimar compositions
Chair: Cécile Reynaud
16.15: Christiane Bourrel
Liszt the letter writer: the question of the virtuoso's complex in his epistolary style
16.45: Máté Cselényi
Supplements to Liszt’s visits in Hungary
17.15: Małgorzata Gamrat
Liszt and his music in a 21st century novel: plot, writing technique, and text's structure
18.00: Book presentation
Constantin Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Hans Emmert
Kirchen Rebell & Kunst Mäzen. Kardinal Gustav Adolf Prinz zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
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Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.