Composition BA Diploma Concert

5 May 2023, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Composition BA Diploma Concert Presented by Liszt Academy

Dorottya Tímea Nagy: Mivé lettél Otthonom?
Zoltán Schwartz, Marley Erickson (violin), Elemér Albert (viola), Lilla Szabó (cello), Kristóf Urbán (percussion és small wind instruments)
Krisztián Oláh: Orphelins / String quartet no. 1
Kristóf Cseri, Ágoston D. Nagy (violin), Gellért Kisdi (viola), Cseperke Donáczi (cello)
Lőrinc Varga: String Quartet
Krisztián Oláh: Off-bea(u)ty
Krisztián Oláh (piano)
Olivér Koudela: Étude de Chat
Piano (Dávid Mester), Violin 1 (Ágoston D. Nagy), Violin 2 (Kata Szöllősi), double bass (Lőrinc Varga)
Máté Sándor: Sonata for flute and piano
Hanna Jantyik (flute), Dávid Kozma (piano)
Dorottya Tímea Nagy: Ómagyar Mária-siralom
Dorottya Tímea Nagy (vocals), Belián Hámori (piano)
Lőrinc Varga: Magányos dalciklus
Péter Oláh (bass), Lőrinc Varga (piano)
Olivér Koudela: circa 7x1 min.
Zsuzsanna Kaffehr (mezzo-soprano), Zsófi Persányi (piano)
Máté Sándor: Bényei-songs
Balázs Papp (tenor), Hanna Jantyik (flute), Dávid Kozma (piano)

After the Chamber Concert, there will be a screening of the exam films of the BA composing for theatre and motion picture students in Auditorium I, which is free of charge and subject to capacity. As this is a smaller room than the Solti Hall, films will be screened several times on request.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.