The training I received at the Academy was difficult and at times harsh, but those who survived the experience emerged as real musicians.

Sir Georg Solti
Folk Music & Jazz Department on the Podium

2 October 2019, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Konzi Concerts

Folk Music & Jazz Department on the Podium Presented by Liszt Academy

“From Gerle to Bogyiszló – from the purest water spring”
To the memory of Zoltán Kodály: Anna Jánó’s songs from Gerlén collected by Zoltán Kallós
String orchestral folk music from Kalotaszeg
Oláh men from the South Great Hungarian Plain on Hurdy-Gurdy
Compilation of South Great Hungarian Plain folk music from the heritage of Imre Magda
Folk songs from Magyarbőd – vocal polyphonic music
Bagpipe songs from the Bakony
Merriment in Bogyiszló – excerpts from the collection of László Lajtha
Anna Keczeli-Mészáros, Eszter Surányi, Zsuzsanna Vakán (vocals), Szonja Mészárovics, Noémi Thoma (vocals, zither, cobza), Dorina Wéber (vocals, zither, hurdy-gurdy), Nimród Kiss, Borbála Töreky (zither, cobza), Radna Lászlófi (zither, cobza, tambura), Ábris Ilonczai (violin), Katalin Aczél, Luca Bódi, László Brunner, Virág Pirbus, Szabolcs Szilágyi (violin, viola), Botond Tóth (viola, viola tambura), András Valjer (double bass)


Own compositions and jazz standards with improvisation

Ábris Ilonczay Quintet: Ábris Ilonczay (violin), Bence Regő Borbély (drums), Norbert Beján (piano), Tihamér Szereceán (bass), Csaba Pethő (guitar)
Tamás Förhétz Quintet: Tamás Förhétz (guitar), Bence Regő Borbély (drums), Norbert Beján (piano), Dávid Ruben Cséffán (vocals), Ruben Gerendás (bass)
Gáspár Thorpe Quartet feat. Castagno Claudia Raquel: Castagno Claudia Raquel (vocals), Gáspár Thorpe (guitar), Áron Csikós (drums), Nikola Bugarcic (bass), Bálint Kun (percussions)

Jazz piano and folk violin, jazz singing and hurdy-gurdy, cimbalom and jazz guitar, zither and jazz saxophone. Even though classical music represents the core of professional and artistic training at the Bartók Conservatory (Konzi), workshops offer much more than acquiring just the basic works of the European musical repertoire. Improvisational imagination and the rethinking of traditional music structures play a large part here, in both traditional and experimental forms. Furthermore, students and their teachers are constantly seeking ways of filling the various expressive forms – as applies to either the classical heritage or each other – with fresh, new content. The combined concert of these two relatively new courses run at the Konzi, jazz and folk music founded in 2014, bears witness to how written and unwritten, archaic and modern music cultures can have such an inspirational impact on each other.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 200