13 September 2022, 19.00-21.00
Grand Hall
Gyeonggi Sinawi Orchestra
The Dynamic Sound of Korea – A Celebration of Traditional Korean Music
Won Il: Daechwita
Jeongseon Arari / Han obaengnyeon (‘Nearly five hundred years’) / Singosan taryeong (‘Ballad of the Singosan station’) / Gangwondo Arirang
Ham Young-sun (vocals)
Geomungo Sanjo (unconventional melodies for Korean zither) in the style of Shin Kwe-Dong
Park Sung-A (geomungo), Park Sang-Deuk (soribuk percussion accompaniment)
Isudaeyeop (transcription made by Song Hongsup)
Kang Kwonsun (female vocals)
Won Il: Dionysos Robot
Gyeonggi Sinawi Orchestra
Conductor and music director: Won Il
Presented by
Korean Cultural Centre
Admission is free, but registration is required. More information at hungary.korean-culture.org and koreaikultura@koreaikultura.hu.