Kata Scheuring


Kata Scheuring was in her final year at one of Budapest’s top grammar schools, majoring in literature and French, when she decided to embark on a musical career. In 2001 she won 1st prize at the Vilmos Bántai Flute Competition, and it was here that Zoltán Gyöngyössy heard her and spoke appreciatively of her performance. Six months later he enrolled her in his class at the Liszt Academy of Music. As an undergraduate she performed successfully at several Hungarian and international competitions, in 2013 winning 3rd prize in the V.S. Antonov International Competition of Woodwind Instrument Performers in Kiev, and 2nd prize and the audience award in the Anton Eberst Competition in 2013, while in 2015 she came 2nd in the Gheorghe Dima International Flute Competition, and in 2016 she took 4th prize in the International Theobald Böhm Competition in Munich. Her repertoire is especially rich in 20th-centry works, and she is attracted to French music in particular. She has performed at concerts in many European countries both as a soloist and as a player in international orchestral projects such as the tours of the EUYO or EUphony orchestras. As a result, audiences in Austria, Italy, France, Poland, Germany and Sweden, among other countries, have had the opportunity to hear her playing. At the Finnish Sibelius Academy, as a part of the Erasmus programme, she studied for six months in the class of Petri Alanki, and also gave an independent solo evening concert in Helsinki. In December 2016, she took the stage at the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy as soloist for the Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Gábor Takács-Nagy, to perform Mozart’s Flute Concerto in G major. She is always actively seeking out new challenges, whether in the form of a solo evening, a chamber or orchestral concert.

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