I Éva Marton International Singing Competition Final can now be viewed online

10 October 2014

Check out the online broadcast of the final round (21 September 2014) of Liszt Academy’s first major self-organized competition.

The final were recorded with six cameras in Full HD by Liszt Academy's AVISO Studio with the cooperation of Hungarian Television. Now the live webcast stream – watched on the evening of 21 September by nearly 1000 viewers – can be replayed in three parts (first half, second half, results and awards ceremony) from the Lisztery, the multimedia hub of zeneakademia.hu. Creative producer of the finals, the award ceremony and the broadcast was Imre Szabó Stein, Director of Communications at the Liszt Academy, the director was Tamás Zilahy and broadcasting director Erzsébet Dubócky.

We have put together a selection of photos from the competition, which can be viewed by clicking here. Other multimedia materials from the I Éva Marton International Singing Competition are available at the martoncompetition.hu website: photos of all the rounds and the gala, audio recordings of the preliminaries and videos of the semi-finals. The documentary film of the Ist International Éva Marton Singing Competition commissioned by Liszt Academy's Communications and Media Content Development Directorate was created by Hungarian Television and directed by Csaba Varga Zs. The 90-minute film will be broadcast by Duna Television in early November.
