Serbian composer wins this year's Bartók World Competition

27 November 2022

The 24-year-old Veljko Nenadić won first prize at the award ceremony of the 2022 competition for composers, and his work will be on the repertoire of next year's round for violinists.

This year's gala was held on Saturday night in the Solti Hall of Liszt Academy, in the presence of the public and the awardees, and it was broadcast live online. This year's competition was open to composers with violin-piano duos, and the international reputation of the event is reflected in the fact that 96 composers from 31 countries around the world, from America to Europe and Asia to Australia, submitted 98 works.

In addition to three works by Bartók, the concert featured winning works perfomed by violinists Ágnes Langer and Barnabás Kelemen and pianist József Balog.

The prestigious international jury awarded the first prize of €5,000 to Serbian composer Veljko Nenadić, born in 1998, for his ’’Two Movements - Impromptu and Perpetuum Mobile’’. The second prize of €3,000 went to Thomas Kornél, born in 1986 in the USA, for his ’’Fun-tasto: Reflection and Exhilaration’’. The two of them received a special prize from UMP Editio Musica Budapest. The score of their composition will be published and will be included in the repertoire of next year's violinists' competition.

The third prize of €2,000 was awarded to Frenchman Jules Matton, born in 1988, for his work ’’Homage to Bartók’’.

The jury's gave Honorary Mention to Alfian Emyr Adytia from Indonesia for his piece ’’Rocket Baby Doll’’; to Ivan Naborshchikov from Russia for his ’’Hommage à Béla Bartók’’; and Eduard Kiprskiy also from Russia for his ’’Two Fantastic Pieces for Violin and Piano’’.

In her speech, Dr Andrea Vigh, President of Liszt Academy, pointed out, "the Bartók Competition has started a process in contemporary classical music, young composers are reaching out to folk music the same way Bartók did: the unique fusion of folk music and classical music is evident in the works of the sons of several nations who have sent us entries for the competition". She thanked the Hungarian state for its support and pointed out that in just six years the Bartók Competition has become one of the most prestigious competitions for composers. She added, ’’there is growing evidence that young people are being inspired by Bartók's music’’.

John Corigliano, President of the Jury, Oscar-winning and world-renowned American composer, sent a message that was read out loud by gala host Ádám Bősze. The composer said he was extremely honored to be asked to chair the jury of the Bartók World Competition 2022 by the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. ’’Bartók’s contribution to the world of classical music can never be underestimated. His music transcends generations, and, indeed, all of the finalists in this competition show great influences of his work. His six string quartets are the finest since Beethoven, and most of his works are in the standard repertoire. His exploration of the folk music of Eastern Europe has shown us how a great composer deals with the music outside of the concert sphere. The Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music had nearly 100 applicants for this year’s competition for works for violin and piano. With such a large number of applicants, narrowing down that list to seventeen finalists was a great challenge. The seventeen composers chosen for the semi-finalist round, are all extremely gifted. It was hard to pick three winners with all that talent.

In addition to him, the prestigious panel included Unsuk Chin, a South Korean composer living in Germany; the Russian composer-pianist Kuzma Bodrov, a teacher at the Gnesin Academy and Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow; Kristóf Baráti, a world-renowned Hungarian violinist and head of String Department at the Liszt Academy; and Gyula Fekete, Vice-President of the Liszt Academy and head of the Composition Department.