Mini Operas

20 January 2019, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Opera Exam Festival

Mini Operas Presented by Liszt Academy

Performance of the Academy of Music Ljubljana

Matej Kastelic: Anatomy of Thought
Libretto: Matej Kastelic
Tilen Slakan: What the old man does is always right
Libretto: (after H. C. Andersen): Jakob Barbo
Iztok Kocen: Disposable
Libretto: Jakob Barbo
Federica lo Pint: Lullaby in a room without windows
Libretto: Nejc Potočan
Matic Romih: Gaja
Libretto: Katja Gorečan

Mentors of the composers: Dušan Bavdek, Simon Dvoršak, Žanina Mirčevska, Stephen McNeff, Marko Mihevc, Uroš Rojko, Vito Žuraj
Featuring: Students of Vocal, Conducting and Instrument Studies of the Academy of Music Ljubljana
Conductors: Eva Erčulj, Gašper Salobir, Iztok Kocen, Črt Lasbaher, Simon Dvoršak
Performed by the students of the Academy of Music of Ljubljana
Costumes, scenery: students of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana
Director: Eva Hribernik
Playreader: Katja Gorečan
Scenery: Katja Gorečan és Nastja Mezek
Stage light: Anže Kreč
Costumes: Katarina Šavs és Nina Čehovin

This is the sixth occasion that the Liszt Academy has organized the Opera Exam Festival, when foreign institutes of higher music education come to Budapest to stage unconventional ‘opera exams’. The Academy of Music Ljubljana, which functions as part of Ljubljana University, were also present at the Opera Exam Festival in 2017. Its presentation then was extremely gripping, being comprised of newly composed 15-minute operas. We can reckon on a similar imaginative offering this time around with the staging of five contemporary mini-operas. All the composers study at the Academy of Music Ljubljana, as do the conductors. These short works have chamber orchestral accompaniment: students of composition have written their exam operas for a seven-person instrumental ensemble. Students of the Slovene Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television are also involved in the production and are responsible for the visual presentation of the evening.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 200