
27 January 2019, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Chanticleer Presented by Liszt Academy

Then and There – Here and Now

Lassus: Surrexit pastor bonus
Palestrina: Gaude gloriosa
Gibbons: O Clap Your Hands
Byrd: Ave Verum Corpus
Stucky: Whispers
Allen Shearer: Nude Descending a Staircase
Morley: Now is the Month of Maying (Evan Price's arrangement)
Mason Bates: Sirens – 3. Stelle, vostra mercè l’eccelse sfere
Arcadelt: Il bianco e dolce cigno
William Hawley: Io son la Primavera
Salazar: Salve Reina de los cielos
R. Strauss: Drei Männerchöre – 1. Vor den Türen, 2. Traumlicht, 3. Fröhlich im Maien
Steven Sametz: I Have Had Singing
Gershwin: Summertime (Kirby Shaw's arrangement)
Michael McGlynn: Dúlamán
Jackson Hill: In Winter’s Keeping
Járbă, máré járbă - traditional roma vocals (Stacy Garrop's arrangement)
Ellington: Creole Love Call (Harry Frommermann's arrangement)
Secunda: Bei mir bist du schön (Brian Hinman's arrangement)
I Want to Die Easy - spiritual (Alice Parker and Robert Shaw's arrangement)
J. W. Alexander és J. Whitaker: Straight Street (Joseph Jennings's arrangement)

Chanticleer: Cortez Mitchell, Gerrod Pagenkopf, Kory Reid, Alan Reinhardt, Logan Shields, Adam Ward (countertenor), Brian Hinman, Matthew Mazzola, Andrew Van Allsburg (tenor), Andy Berry, Zachary Burgess, Matthew Knickman (baritone and bass)
Musical director: William Fred Scott

This amazing and uniquely toned American formation celebrate their 40th anniversary, on the occasion of which they have put together a compilation of the finest and most popular pieces from their wide repertoire. In an astonishingly diverse and carefully compiled programme, we can enjoy Renaissance and Baroque works, spirituals, as well as compositions and arrangements by 20th-century American composers, including a good few written specifically at the request of the group. The uncrowned kings of a cappella have graced the Liszt Academy with their peerless productions on several occasions: this is another opportunity to marvel at what the human voice is capable of.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 400, 2 100, 3 500, 4 900