Danubia Orchestra Óbuda

14 February 2019, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Danubia Orchestra Óbuda Presented by Liszt Academy

Thomas Adès: Asyla
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125

Orsolya Hajnalka Rőser (soprano), Gabriella Balga (mezzo soprano), Tibor Szappanos (tenor), István Rácz (baritone)
Hungarian National Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)
Danubia Orchestra Óbuda
Conductor: Máté Hámori

“– Fly not, cowards and vile beings, for a single knight attacks you! (…) So saying, and commending himself with all his heart to his lady Dulcinea, imploring her to support him in such a peril, with lance in rest and covered by his buckler, he charged at Rocinante's fullest gallop and fell upon the first mill that stood in front of him.” Where did this quote come from and what is the connection with the concert programme? Unlike in previous seasons, in their 2018/19 anniversary season the orchestra leave it up to the audience to work out how the concerts are linked.




HUF 2 500, 3 200, 3 800, 4 700