2 March 2019, 15.30-18.00
Grand Hall
Zugló Philharmonics Budapest
Presented by Liszt Academy
J. S. Bach: Johannes Passion, BWV 245
Evangelist: Dávid Szigetvári (tenor)
Jesus: Csaba Horváth (baritone)
Pilatus, Peter: István Kovács (bass)
Andrea Csereklyei (soprano), Eszter Balogh (mezzo-soprano), Zoltán Megyesi (tenor)
Szent István Király Oratory Choir
Zugló Philharmonics Budapest
Conductor: Alexander Mayer
Johann Sebastian Bach, the great master of Baroque music, was made cantor of Thomasschule zu Leipzig in February 1723. Since his appointment fell in Lent, he debuted with Passion music for Good Friday services. These works are unparalleled creations in music history. This concert features the St John Passion.
Presented by
Zugló Philharmonics
HUF 2 300 Ft, 2 500 Ft, 2 900