Festive Concert of the Eötvös Art Ensemble

25 March 2019, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Festive Concert of the Eötvös Art Ensemble Presented by Liszt Academy

László Kovács leads the ensemble for 10 years

Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35
Louisa Staples (violin)


Rossini: Stabat Mater

Louisa Staples (violin)
Lilla Horti (soprano), Schöck Atala (alto), Gergely Boncsér (tenor), Szabolcs Hámori (bass)
Eötvös Loránd University Béla Bartók University Choir and University Orchestra
Voice Production Technics: Bence Juhász
Concertmaster: Éva Dúlfalvy

Conductor: László Kovács

Artistic director of the Eötvös Loránd University Béla Bartók Choir and University Concert Orchestra is conductor László Kovács, Liszt Prize laureate and director of the ELTE ‘Eötvös’ Artists Ensemble. The university choir and orchestra are an amateur group with a membership comprising current and former students and teachers. Their repertoire spans Baroque, the classics, Romantic and contemporary works, a cappella choral pieces, oratorios, concertos and symphonies, but they are equally happy to sojourn on the borders of pop and classical music. They see their mission as the interpretation of works by key composers of the 20th century, among them Bartók and Kodály, but their concert repertoire also numbers pieces by contemporary (mainly Hungarian) composers, too. György Orbán, Péter Tóth, Sándor Szokolay, Emil Petrovics, Kamilló Lendvay, Zoltán Jeney, Miklós Kocsár, László Dubrovay, János Vajda, Levente Gyöngyösi, Kálmán Oláh and Zoltán Kovács have written orchestral and choral works partly commissioned by the university which are dedicated to the ensemble and its conductors. Over the past few decades, the choir established by Gábor Baross in 1948 and the (currently string) orchestra set up in 1957 have won prizes at countless domestic and international competitions and festivals.

Presented by

Eötvös Art Ensemble


HUF 1 800, 2 800, 3 700, 5 500