Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI

5 April 2019, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Budapest Spring Festival

Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI Presented by Liszt Academy

East–West – A Dialogue Of Souls

Lior Elmaleh (vocals), Katerina Papadopoulou (vocals), Waed Bouhassoun (vocals, oud)
Hespèrion XXI (artistic director: Jordi Savall): Moslem Rahal (ney), Hovhannes Karakhanyan (duduk), Driss El Maloumi (oud – Arabic lute), Hakan Güngör (kanun), Dimitri Psonis (santur, guitarra moresca), Pedro Estevan (percussion)
Conductor, featuring on vielle and lyre: Jordi Savall

It is the ambition of Jordi Savall and his formation Hespèrion XXI to not only perform the music of bygone ages in a totally authentic way, but to experientially convey such correlations, interactions and cultural symbioses that bring us closer to resolving a whole host of contemporary problems. Savall has never thought in terms of geographical, historical or stylistic pigeonholes; as far as he is concerned, the Mediterranean region forms a single organically coherent cultural unit with a diverse linguistic and religious system of relations. In happier times, the Mediterranean did not have borders north and south, east and west: quite the opposite, it was a symbol of the dialogue between different regions. And for this character to survive, the arts must initiate dialogue – not only between regions, but between souls.



Presented by

Budapest Spring Festival


HUF 4 900, 6 900, 9 900, 11 900