Trio Y

22 November 2019, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Chamber Music, So Close

Trio Y Presented by Liszt Academy

Haydn Reloaded

Péter Tornyai: Piano Trio No. last-but-one
Haydn: Piano Trio No. 44 in E major, Hob. XV:28
Máté Balogh: Mrs. Trio


Dvořák: Piano Trio No. 4 in e minor, Op. 90 (‘Dumky’)

Oszkár Varga (violin), Flóra Matuska (cello), Imre Dani (piano)

Therese Jansen Bartolozzi was one of the most eminent pianists of her day. She lived in London and this is where she met Haydn. Haydn wrote three sonatas and three piano trios for her: with these works, the composer bade farewell to two genres he particularly loved. The concept behind the first part of the concert – two newly composed pieces paired with the penultimate trio of Haydn – was developed jointly by Péter Tornyai, Máté Balogh and supporting performers. The two new works are closely linked to Haydn: his Trio in E major is performed as though it was the middle section of a grandiose work more than 200 years in the making. After the break there is an evergreen of the trio repertoire: it is as though Dvořák had been thinking of Haydn’s trio since the choice of key for the first dumka (E minor – E major) is a mirror image of the keying of the Haydn composition (E major – E minor).

The concert is followed by CODA – which is an informal conversation with the performers.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 2 500, 3 500