6 October 2020, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Chamber Music Workshop of the Liszt Academy
Presented by Liszt Academy
Anna Gál-Tamási (violin), Mónika Ruth Vida (piano)
Liszt: Rhapsodie espagnole
Mónika Ruth Vida (piano)
Járdányi: String Quartet No. 2
Trépide Quartet: Enikő Samu, Violetta Haraszti (violin), György Gulyás-Nagy (viola), Gabriella Bali (cello)
Kodály: Sonatina
Emma Balázs (cello), Sebestyén Pellet (piano)
Bartók: Rhapsody No. 1, BB 94a
Anna Gál-Tamási (violin), Mónika Ruth Vida (piano)
It is the primary objective of the chamber music faculty at the Liszt Academy to harness students’ instrumental skills to enhance their ability to engage in musical dialogue and thus turn out world-class chamber musicians. On this occasion, young string and piano students will perform on the stage in the Grand Hall. The solo in Kodály’s Sonatina was first played by Jenő Kerpely at its 1910 debut, while both versions of Bartók’s Rhapsody for violin and piano and for violin and orchestra were premiered by József Szigeti in 1929. Being a composition for an instrumental solo, Liszt’s piece is an exception on the programme. Inspired by a concert tour to Spain thirteen years before he wrote it in 1858, the work features two popular local tunes. Alongside the three Hungarian pieces, the sonata by Brahms also has ties to Hungary: it was first performed in Budapest in 1888 by Jenő Hubay, accompanied by the composer himself.
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
Trianon Memorial Year
Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website or at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy.