13 December 2020, 15.00-16.30
Solti Hall
Liszt Kidz Academy – Music in Nature
Wild Animals in Music
Presented by Liszt Academy
For 10-15-year-olds
Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Op. 37a – September
Paganini: Caprice No. 9 in E major (‘Hunt’)
Johann Strauss Jr.: The Gypsy Baron – Zsupán’s Aria
Schumann: Waldszenen, Op. 82 – Jäger auf der Lauer (Hunters on the lookout)
Lajos Papp: Animal Pictures - Kangoroos, Dream of a lion, Galloping zebras
Vinter: Hunter’s Moon
Bartók: 9 Little Pieces for Piano, BB 90 – Marcia delle bestie
Mancini: The Pink Panther
József Pécsi: Bedtime Story
Copland: The Cat and the Mouse
Gábor Eckhardt, Katalin Alter (piano), Csongor Korossy-Khayll (violin), Attila Szűcs (baritone), Mónika Kasza (horn), Szonja Fehér (bassoon)
Moderator: Dániel Mona
We have no idea how music actually came about but many believe that at some time in the distant past, man discovered the beauty of the voices of nature and tried to mimic them with his own tools. However it happened, in the artistic music also called ‘classical’, nature always played an important role, as did the question of how the world around us can be evoked with the help of music. ▪ In the spring semester, the youth concert seriesorganized by the Liszt Academy, Liszt Kidz Academy, examines the relationship between music and nature. After birds and insects we are brought down to earth and into the forest, but in this, the third concert, it is not the whispering of trees and the call of the stag that is being investigated, but the varied and plentiful music of game and hunters. Naturally, the horn, instrument of the hunt, stands at the forefront of the programme; for a long time it was not even used in composed music but it functioned outdoors as a tool to rally the hunt during the chase. The chief players in the recital include Gábor Eckhardt, teacher of piano at the Liszt Academy well-known for his youth concerts and his fellow musicians.

Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic.
HUF 1 900