4 March 2021, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Acoustic, authentic
Presented by Liszt Academy
Folk Music from Szeklerland
Time change
Slow, gypsy czardas and batuka (Vajdaszentivány, South Upper Mureş)
Asztali nóta, forgató, czardas, korcsos and gypsy czardas (Mezőbánd, Marosszék – Mezőség)
Verbunks (Marosoroszfalu, Marosvécs, Marosmagyaró, Gernyeszeg, Északi Felső-Maros mente)
Ballade (Gyergyó)
Keserves and marosszéki (Székelyszenterzsébet, Gagy, Keresztúr)
Jártató, korcsos and szöktető (Magyarpéterlaka-Jobbágytelke, Alsó-Nyárád)
Slow czardas, marosszéki, verbunk, fast czardas (Gyergyó)
Marosszéki, verbunk and szöktető (Felsősófalva, Sóvidék – Kibéd, Alsó-Nyárád)
Hanga Borbála Kacsó, Julianna Paár (vocals), Dániel Szabó (cimbalom, vocals), Péter Bede (Turkish pipe, saxophone), Soma Salamon (recorder, accordion), Tamás Nyitrai, Attila Mihó, Ádám Takács (violin), Endre Papp (viola), András Bognár (double bass), Orsolya András (gardon)
Cimbalom player Dániel Szabó’s programme allows us once again to marvel at how an artist happy playing world music and who has written many of his own works is familiar with the authentic performance of traditional folk music, and how well these two personalities – the artist and the researcher – complement one another and lift the fizzing raw materials from on-site collecting trips to stage performance level. The programme is actually the fruit of several years of research work funded by the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ Arts Scholarship, entitled Cimbalom Performance in Szekler Land. The concert features top instrumentalists and vocalists from Szekler Land and Upper Maros in various instrumentalizations. Vocals, the violin and cimbalom all stand in the focus of music but naturally there is also room for accompanying instruments characteristic of the region. The programme includes large formations as well as smaller chamber line-ups (instrument pairings and trios). One other fascinating element of the programme is the instrumental collection of resident of Chibed (Kibéd) János Seprődi dating from the beginning of the century. Unfortunately, his audio recordings were lost; the music reconstruction based on scores of the melodies can be heard for the first time.
Dear Audience,
The concert of Pázsint announced on 4 March 2021 will be held on 25 November 2021.
Thank you for your understanding!
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre