12 October 2021, 20.00-21.30
Solti Hall
Liszt Fest
Jazzical Trio
Jazzical trio: Norbert Káel (piano), Péter Oláh (double bass), András Lakatos „Pecek” (drums)
From Stravinsky and Ravel to Milhaud and Bartók, classical musicians have been known to maintain an interest in jazz, just as jazz musicians have displayed a fascination with classical music for decades, from Dave Brubeck and the Modern Jazz Quartet to Brad Mehldau. An internationally recognized pianist, Norbert Káel speaks both idioms with confidence, and the works of Liszt are a particularly fertile source of inspiration for a jazz musician like him. This concert focuses on the characteristic harmonic and melodic components of Liszt’s style, and includes such emblematic works as the Csárdás obstiné, the Consolation in D flat major, and Un sospiro.
Presented by
Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont, MÜPA
HUF 2 000, 2 500