13 October 2021, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Pure Baroque
Diana's feast
Baroque opera and hunting
Charpentier: Actéon
Actéon: Cyrille Dubois (haute-contre)
Diane: Andrea Csereklyei (soprano)
Aréthuse: Eugénie Lefèvre (soprano)
Junon: Katalin Szutrély (soprano)
Daphné: Adriána Kalafszky (soprano)
Hyale: Ágnes Pintér (soprano)
Two hunters: József Gál (haute-contre), Lóránt Najbauer (baritone)
Colin de Blamont: La Fête de Diane
Mélisse: Eugénie Lefèvre (soprano)
Périandre: Cyrille Dubois (haute-contre)
Idas: Lóránt Najbauer (baritone)
Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra
Conductor: György Vashegyi
Diana, the Goddess of Hunting, appears on the stage of the Liszt Academy in the closing concert of the ‘One with Nature’ World Hunting and Nature Exhibition. The opera by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643–1704) is conducted by György Vashegyi, a skilled exponent of Baroque music and within this French Baroque stage works. In the play, which debuted during the spring hunting season of 1684, Actaeon (Actéon in French) – in the middle of a bear hunt – spies the goddess Diana (Diane in French) bathing with nymphs, who in her anger turns him into a deer. The young hunter is eventually torn apart by his own hunting dogs and then his fellow hunters mourn the fate of their lord in a chorus. Purcell Choir were founded by György Vashegyi in 1990 for the concertante performance of Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas, and then in 1991 he formed the Orfeo Orchestra as well, the name of which came from the first entire performance of Monteverdi’s Orfeo in Hungary. Since then, the members of these two ensembles have become outstanding specialists of early music in Hungary.

Presented by
Egy a Természettel Vadászati és Természeti Világkiállítás, Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont
HUF 2 900, 4 100, 5 500, 6 900