6 November 2021, 16.00-18.00
Old Academy of Music, Chamber Hall
Y generation and Hungarian Contemporary Music
János Vajda: Trio No. 1
János Vajda: Trio No. 2
Conversation with the composer and performers (in Hungarian)
Ákos Barra (violin), János Pusker (cello), Gergő Sári (piano)
Host: Szilvia Becze
The title of this evening derives from the fact that all the members of Trio Amici chamber ensemble belong to the Y generation. However, their passion is to pass on to all generations their artistic activity of introducing, popularizing modern music, and getting people to love it. Their concert introducing two trios by Kossuth Prize composer János Vajda is the first stage in a series allowing audiences to become acquainted with the work of several contemporary Hungarian composers. Trio Amici plan to record the works and release an album; they also intend to continue the concert series in Hungarian-inhabited areas beyond the border.

Presented by
Director: Zenei Nevelésért Alapítvány
Hungarian Academy of Arts
Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at zeneinevelesert.debrecen@gmail.com.