5 December 2021, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Talent Obliges
Ensemble Z
Presented by Liszt Academy
András Gelléri: Shifts (world premiere)
Bálint Baráth: Synchronphases
Sebő Kaszab: Summa Secunda
Ádám Bajnok: Echo fantasia
Dániel Láposi: Circa
Lucie Nezri: for Abel
Zalán Berta: New Piece
Ábel Fazekas: New Piece
Kristóf Siklósi: New Piece
Ensemble Z: János Aranyosi (cello), Zalán Berta (bass guitar), Dávid Burcsik (percussion), Dániel Cseke (saxophone), László Demeter (percussion), Kornél Hencz (percussion), Ábel Fazekas (clarinet), Benjámin Forgó (piano) Vanessza Korb (violin), Eszter Kökény (violin), Dániel Láposi (percussion), Márton Menyhért (electric guitar), Zsanett Nyujtó (clarinet), Kristóf Siklósi (flute), Bence Siptár (percussion), Előd Soós (viola)
Ensemble Z were created on the initiative of two young Liszt Academy students Dániel Láposi and Kristóf Siklósi in 2016. They aimed to form a grouping of musicians bringing together performers with classical training, jazz musicians and composers in order to develop active contacts between the various genres and creative artists holding differing viewpoints. They make their appearance in Solti Hall with a programme in which – from solo works to larger ensemble pieces – members of the group present themselves as composers and performers. “We strive for a diverse programme in which the works draw on the classical, African folk music, popular and experimental traditions and, in several cases, take advantage of the possibilities given by electronics played live. Typically, works took on their final shape as an outcome of close collaboration between composers and ensemble. A characteristic of solo works is that each one was inspired by the personality of the soloist performing the work and his/her instrumental style.”

Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic.
HUF 1 900