18 December 2021, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Acoustic, authentic
Sára Tímár
Presented by Liszt Academy
Reforduló – Calvinist folk song (Dániel Szabó's instrumentation)
Ha folyóvíz volnék – folk music from Moldva
Jelenti magát Jézus – folk song (instrumentation by the performers)
Megváltómnak éneklek – Calvinist folk song (Mátyás Bolya's instrumentation)
Új világosság – Calvinist folk song (Mátyás Bolya's instrumentation)
Betlehem, Betlehem – folk song
Tímár Sára – Szabó Dániel: Christmas (on a poem by Ágnes Nemes-Nagy)
Csordapásztorok – folk song
Jöjj, népek Megváltója – Calvinist folk song (Sára Tímár and Dániel Szabó's instrumentation)
Gyönyörű szép leány – folk song (Sára Tímár and Dániel Szabó's instrumentation)
Idvez légy kis Jézuska – folk song (Dániel Szabó's instrumentation)
Feljött immár az a csillag – folk song (Dániel Szabó's instrumentation)
Sára Tímár, Alíz Sarkadi-Szabó (vocals), Dániel Szabó (cimbalom, vocals), Mátyás Bolya (cobza, lute), Lehel Hargitai-Halászi (recorder, gardon), Tamás Nyitrai (violin), Márton Fekete (viola), András Lelkes (double bass)
This experimental singer of her generation released her album Feljött immár az a csillag (The Star has Already Risen) in November 2020. The concert builds on these Christmas carols although it is augmented with arrangements of Reformed church songs. The singer has said the following about the process of creation: “We live in a world that is out of joint, but the year’s major feast days can provide a framework for our lives. In this order, the end of the year holds a special place; for me, it always means a kind of internal summing up, a closure, waiting, and a new beginning. ‘The star has already risen, wake up, those who sleep!’ our beautiful Christmas carol goes. The idea of preparing for Advent is an integral part of our European culture, it has inspired not only folk tradition but poets, too, thus the poem by Ágnes Nemes Nagy was the acciaccatura of the album. The musical world leads away from the grey, gloomy mood towards the light, just as the three wise kings, slowly, step by step, reached the cradle. Dániel Szabó’s intelligent and sensitive musical approach, while preserving the purity of traditional Christmas carols, endows traditional Christmas songs with a new audio-image.”
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
HUF 1 900