Purcell Choir & Orfeo Orchestra

26 March 2022, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Orchestra in the Centre Spring 2022

Purcell Choir & Orfeo Orchestra Presented by Liszt Academy

Leclair: Scylla et Glaucus

Circé: Véronique Gens
Scylla: Judith van Wanroij
Glaucus: Cyrille Dubois
Vénus, a driad, Dorine, 2nd girl from the choir, a girl from Sicily: Hasnaa Bennani
Amor, a shepherd, Témire, 1st girl from the choir: Jehanne Amzal
The chief of the peoples, a forest god, Licas, Hekaté: David Witczak
1st Propoetide, a shepherd: József Gál
2nd Propoetide: Márton Komáromi
Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra (on period instruments)
Concertmaster: Simon Standage
Conductor: György Vashegyi

The tragédie en musique Scylla et Glaucus is Jean-Marie Leclair’s only surviving full length opera. The refinement of the vocal parts surprised many of his contemporaries given that Leclair was basically considered an instrumental composer: by the time this music stage work was presented in 1746, his 48 violin sonatas had already been published as well as numerous trios and concertos. His musical training took place in Italy and this background is evident in his stage work. Despite the opera faithfully following the traditional tragédie en musique developed by Jean-Baptiste Lully in the 18th century, there is no avoiding the Italian stylistic notes in the music.



Stream free of charge at the website, Facebook page and Youtube channel of the Liszt Academy.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


A co-production of Liszt Academy of Music, the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles and the Orfeo Music Foundation with the support of Institut français de Budapest, EMMI and HAYDEUM - Hungarian Centre for Early Music.



HUF 4 500, 5 700, 6 900

Concert series:

Orchestra in the Centre Spring 2022