Brass instruments

26 October 2022, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Workshops of the Liszt Academy

Brass instruments Presented by Liszt Academy

Vivaldi: Concerto for Two Trumpets in C major, RV 537
Boldizsár Huszti, Bence Zoltán Fleischer (trumpet), Teréz Szabó (piano)
Bozza: Concertino - 2nd, 3rd Movements 
Nándor Vincze (tuba), Farkas Sugii Yuki (piano)
Krol: Capriccio da camera, Op. 35
György Gyivicsán (trombone), Katalin Sarkady (piano)
Máté Bella: Titan
Roland Szentpáli (tuba), Farkas Sugii Yuki (piano)
B. Weber: Horn Quartet No. 1
Ella Tege, Ákos Wadi Shahin, István Faragó, Norbert Kiss (horn)
Sweelinck: Variations on ʻMein junges Leben hat ein Endʼ, SwWV 324 (Steven Verhelst transcription)
Jason Wolfe, Buda Gulyás, András Dénes, Christopher Kozma (trombone)
Holst: Suite No. 1 in E-flat major, Op. 28/1 – 1. Chaconne
Benedek Szabó, Jenő Lőrincz, Balázs Péterszegi, Gergő Komáromi (tuba)
Erik Morales: Cityscapes
Márk Mihályfi, Matej Vukic, Márk Kovács, Vendel Lukács, Balázs Horeczky (trumpet)
Ránki: Serenade of the Seven-Headed Dragon – 1. „Hét fej – egy lélek”
Boldizsár Huszti, Márk Kovács, Vince Baczkó (trumpet), István Faragó (horn), András Dénes, Buda Gulyás (trombone), Benedek Szabó (tuba)

Házigazda: Roland Szentpáli (tuba művész, a klasszikus tuba szakirány felelőse)

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.

Concert series:

Workshops at the Liszt Academy

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