7 December 2022, 19.00-21.00
Aria exam
Presented by Liszt Academy
Mozart: „In diesen heil’gen Hallen” – Sarastro’s aria from the opera Die Zauberflöte, Act 2
Aron Ottó Jóhannsson (vocals)
Mozart: „In quali eccessi… Mi tradì, quell’alma ingrata” – Donna Elvira’s recitative and aria from the opera Don Giovanni, Act 2
Boglárka Híves (vocals)
Menotti: „Bravo!” – Monica’s waltz from the opera The Medium, Act 2
Gabriella Fenyvesi (vocals)
Mozart: „Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeicheln” – Blonde’s aria from the opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Act 2
Amy Van Walsum (vocals)
Mozart: „Ach ich liebte, war so glücklich” – Konstanze’s aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Act 1
Zsuzsanna Kapi (vocals)
Mozart: „Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro” – Rosina’s aria from the opera Le nozze di Figaro, Act 2
Natália Tuznik (vocals)
Gluck: „Che farò senza Euridice?” – Orfeo’s aria from the opera Orfeo ed Euridice, Act 3
Artúr Szeleczki (vocals)
Verdi: „Volta la terrea” – Oscar’s aria from the opera Un ballo in maschera, Act 1
Gabriella Fenyvesi (vocals)
Donizetti: „Una furtiva lagrima” – Nemorino’s romance from the opera L’elisir d’amore, Act 2
Balázs Papp (vocals)
Beethoven: „Hat man nicht auch Gold beineben” – Roccoʼs aria from the opera Fidelio, Act 1
Aron Ottó Jóhannsson (vocals)
Weber: „Zu ihm, zu ihm, zu ihm! o weilet nicht!” – Euryanthe’s aria from the opera Euryanthe, Act 3
Amy Van Walsum (vocals)
Poulenc: „Non Monsieur mon mari” – Thérèse' Aria from the opera Les mamelles de Tirésias, Act 1
Gabriella Fenyvesi (vocals)
Weber: „Nein, länger trag’ich nicht die Qualen… Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen” – Max’s recitative and aria from the opera Der Freischütz, Act 1
Artúr Szeleczki (vocals)
Donizetti: „Quel guardo il cavaliere… So anch’io la virtù magica” – Norina’s aria from the opera Don Pasquale, Act 1
Zsuzsanna Kapi (vocals)
Verdi: „Ave Maria, piena di grazia” – Desdemona’s aria from the opera Otello, Act 4
Boglárka Híves (vocals)
Verdi: „Lunge da lei... De’ miei bollenti spiriti” – Alfredo’s aria from the opera La traviata, Act 2
Balázs Papp (vocals)
Wagner: „Dich, teure Halle, grüss’ ich wieder” – Elizabeth’s aria from the opera Tannhäuser, Act 2
Natália Tuznik (vocals)
Offenbach: „Il m’a semblé sur mon épaule” – Duet of Eurydice and Jupiter from the comic opera Orpheus in the Underworld, Act 3
Gabriella Fenyvesi, Jiang Lei (vocals)
Teachers: Prof. Éva Marton, Andrea Meláth, Ildikó Iván, Péter Fried
Accompanists: Mariann Holló, Miklós Harazdy, Gabriella Gyökér, Gábor Rózsa
Admission is free, subjected to the capacity of the room.