Talent Day 2023

12 February 2023, 14.00-19.00

Solti terem, I. előadóterem, X. és XXIII. terem, Kupolaterem

Talent Day 2023 Presented by Liszt Academy

Fellépnek: A Zeneakadémia növendékei és tanárai

2.00 p.m., Solti Hall

Talents of the Liszt Academy & Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

Franceschini: Sonata for Two Trumpets, Strings and Basso Continuo in D major

Ákos Pusztaszegi MA I., Matej Vukic Erasmus (trumpet)

Vivaldi: Concerto for Two Cellos in G minor, RV 531

From School for Exceptional Young Talents: Ella Schmalzl, Jeong Jin Seok (cello)

Vivaldi: Concerto for Two Trumpets in C major, RV 537

Boldizsár Huszti BA III., Bence Zoltán Fleischer BA III. (trumpet)

Doppler: Andante and Rondo, Op. 25

Anna Pintér BA I., Ágnes Mendik MA I. (flute)

Cherubini: Sonata No. 2 for Horn and String Orchestra (transcription for tuba)

Nándor Vincze BA III. (tuba)

Saint-Saëns: Introduction and rondo capriccioso, Op. 28

Teo Gertler from School for Exceptional Young Talents (violin)

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra (artistic director: István Várdai, concertmaster: Péter Tfirst)




3.30 p.m., Room X

Competition Winners I. • Saxophone Recital by Noémi Bakó

Borne: Fantaisie brillante sur ‘Carmen’
Takács: Two Fantastics, Op. 88

Noémi Bakó BA I. (saxophone), Thiago Bertoldi (piano)




3.30 p.m., Cupola Hall

Balázs Fülei Chamber Music Lesson

Balázs Fülei, Liszt Prize-winning pianist and Head of the Chamber Music Department will give an insight into the secrets of chamber music lessons.

Featuring: Zsófia Fóris BA II. (violin), Boglárka Forgó BA II (cello), Áron Lescsinszky BA II. (piano)




4.00 p.m., Auditorium I

Introduction of the Composing for Theatre and Motion Picture Programme

Incidental musics of films composed by BA students

We present the best graduation film scores from previous years. The screening is continuous and you can join in at any time until 6.00 p.m.




4.30 p.m., Room XXIII

Violin Lesson with Péter Kováts 

Péter Kováts, Bartók–Pásztory Prize-winning violinist, member of the Auer Trio, founder of the Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra and violin and chamber music teacher at the Liszt Academy, will give an insight into the secrets of university violin teaching in a public lesson with his students.




4.30 p.m., Room X

Competition Winners II. • Guitar Recital by Vilmos Oláh

Rodrigo: Aranjuezi concerto

Vilmos Oláh BA II. (guitar), Szilvia Boross (piano)




5.00 p.m., Cupola Hall

Competition Winners III. • Percussion Recital by Benjámin Mohácsi and András Simon

Benjámin Mohácsi BA I., András Simon BA III. (percussion)




5.30 p.m., Solti Hall

Introduction of Department of Vocal and Opera Studies

Evening Rise

Luca Dolhai, Donatella Hunyadi, Ramóna Veleczki, Gréta Mészáros, Zoltán Papp, Balázs Bán (vocals)

Three English Renaissance songs

László Havas-Horváth, Balázs Gyárfás (guitar)

Purcell: “Come, come, come, let us leave” – duet of the Fairies from the opera The Fairy Queen, Act 1

Luca Dolhai, Balázs Bán (vocals), Áron Rátkay (cello)  

J. S. Bach: “Seele, deine Spezereien” – aria from Easter Oratorio, BWV 249

Luca Dolhai, Dorottya Takács (vocals), Áron Rátkay (cello)

J. S. Bach: “Quia fecit mihi magna” – aria from Magnificat, BWV 243

Balázs Bán (vocals), Áron Rátkay (cello)

Mozart: “Hm! Hm! Hm!” – quintet of Papageno, Tamino and the Three ladies from the opera Die Zauberflöte, Act 1

Natália Tuznik, Ramóna Veleczki, Donatella Hunyadi, Balázs Papp, Martin Csölley (vocals)

Mozart: “Bald prangt, den Morgen zu verkünden” – scene of the Three boys and Pamina from the opera Die Zauberflöte, Act 2

Boglárka Híves, Laura Garics, Adél Szikora, Donatella Hunyadi (vocals)

Mozart: “Soll ich dich, Theurer! nicht mehr sehʼn?” – trio of Monostatos, Pamina and Papageno from the opera Die Zauberflöte, Act 2

Gabriella Fenyvesi, Artúr Szeleczki, Aron Ottó Jóhannsson (vocals)

Kodály: “A csitári hegyek alatt” (From Distant Mountains) – duet of the Young girl and the Young man from the singspiel The Transylvanian Spinning-Room

Gabriella Fenyvesi, Balázs Papp (vocals)

Steve Reich: Clapping Music

Featuring: all performers of the concert

Erika Dallos (harpsichord, piano)
Teachers: Katalin Halmai, Ingrid Kertesi, Andrea Meláth




5.30 p.m., Room X

Tuba lesson with Roland Szentpáli 

Roland Szentpáli, tuba teacher of the Woodind and Brass Department of the Liszt Academy, will introduce the audience to the secrets of tuba teaching with the students of Nándor Vincze (BA III.) and Balázs Péterszegi (BA I.).

Featuring: Farkas Sugii Yuki (piano)




6.30 p.m., Auditorium I

Lecture on musicology



6.00 p.m., Room XXIII

Piano Recital of School for Exceptional Young Talents of the Liszt Academy

The School for Exceptional Young Talents is a school for young musicians of outstanding quality who are still in primary or secondary school, but who also receive the highest level of musical training from the masters of the Liszt Academy.


Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 500