8 May 2023, 19.00-21.00
Grand Hall
Gáspár Krasznai Choral Conducting DLA Concert
Presented by Liszt Academy
Haydn: The Seasons, Hob. XXI:3 – Spring: Komm, holder Lenz!; Winter: Ein Mädchen, das auf Ehre hielt, Autumn: Juhe, juhe! der Wein ist da
Erkel: Fohász – excerpt from the opera Bánk bán, Act 2
Kacsóh: Az alvó tábor
Bárdos: Régi táncdal (Old Dance Song)
Cazan: Templom és iskola (Church and School)
Monteverdi: Io mi son giovinetta
Fauré: Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
Karai: Abendgesänge
Unknown composer: Tourdion
Schubert: Deutsche Messe, D. 872 – Zum Sanctus: Heilig ist der Herr
Tchaikovsky–Ponomariov: Rassvet (Dawn)
Bárdos: Huszár-toborzó (Knight Recruiter)
Bárdos: Erkelʼs Hymn
Rossini: Preghiera – excerpt from the opera Moses, Act 4
Verdi: Hálaadó ima – excerpt from the opera Nabucco, Act 4
Verdi: Hebrew Slaves Chorus, Act 3
Featuring: Gabriella Érdi, Anita Csóka, László Honinger, Péter Illés, Dávid Dani, Pál Sebestyén (vocals)
Marcell Szabó (piano)
Ferenc Sapszon Choir
Capital Choir
Madách Imre Gimnázium Choir
Monteverdi Choir Budapest (choirmaster: Éva Kollár)
Conductor: Gáspár Krasznai
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.