6 October 2023, 19.30-22.00
Solti Hall
Tour of Europe – Orfeo Orchestra's Baroque Season Ticket
Corelli, Scarlatti, Vivaldi
Corelli: Concerto Grosso in D major, Op. 6/4
Vivaldi: Cessate, omai cessate – cantata, RV 684
A. Scarlatti: Concerto Grosso No. 5 in D minor
Steffani: ‘Deh non far colle’ – aria from the opera Tassilone
Steffanil: ‘Esci omai’ – aria from the opera Mitridate Eupatore
Steffani: Suite from the orchestral excerpts of the operas Orlando generoso, Henrico Leone and Niobe
A. Scarlatti: ‘Mentre io godo’ – aria from the oratorio Il giardino di rose
Corelli: Concerto Grosso in F major, Op. 6/4
Vivaldi: ‘Gelido in ogni vena’ – aria from the opera Farnace
Vivaldi: ‘Armatae face et anguibus’ – aria from the oratorio Juditha Triumphans
Eszter Balogh (mezzo-soprano)
Orfeo Orchestra
Conductor: Benjamin Bayl
Presented by
Sysart Ltd Orfeo Music Foundation
HUF 3 500