6 July 2024, 19.00-20.30
Grand Hall
Zsolt Hamar & Joint Wind Orchestra of Nine European Universities
Presented by Liszt Academy
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Szőllősy: Musiche per ottoni » Intrada I, Melodia pentatonica
Reger: Wind Serenade in B-flat major, WoO I/9 » 1. Moderato
Szőllősy: Musiche per ottoni » Chorale I, Scherzo II, Specchio
R. Strauss: Serenade in E-flat major, Op. 7
Szőllősy: Musiche per ottoni » Organum, Melodia, Riflesso
Donizetti: Sinfonia for Winds in G minor
Szőllősy: Musiche per ottoni » Quinte, Chorale II, Operetta
Stravinsky: Symphonies of Wind Instruments (revised version from 1947)
R. Strauss: Suite in B-flat major, Op. 4
Wind instrument students of universities of Barcelona, Vienna, Brno, Graz, The Hague, Dublin, Oslo, Porto and Budapest
Conductor: Zsolt Hamar, Dárius Teremi
A new type of mobility under Erasmus+, the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) aims to combine online and face-to-face learning. The programme will bring wind students from 8 prestigous european music universities – Barcelona, Vienna, The Hague, Brno, Graz, Dublin, Oslo, Porto – to the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in July, and it will conclude with a concert to showcase the results of their joint work. Firstly, during an online session, Máté Balogh will give a lecture on the pieces of the concert by Igor Stravinsky and Richard Strauss. After arriving to Budapest, the young musicians will begin their work under the guidance of Zsolt Hamar and the Liszt Academy’s teachers. The evening will feature rarely heard pieces from the 19th and 20th century wind orchestral repertoire, from Donizetti, known as an opera composer, to the miniature pieces of András Szőllősy’s series of educational pieces.
Thank you for your understanding.
Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
Admission to the concert is free. Tickets can be claimed at the website and at the Ticket Office of the Liszt Academy one month before the concert.