6th Éva Marton International Singing Competition / Semi-final 1

5 September 2024, 15.00-18.00

Solti Hall

6th Éva Marton International Singing Competition / Semi-final 1 Presented by Liszt Academy

The semi-finalists will sing two arias of their choice, accompanied by piano. The semi-finals will be held in Solti Hall, which is open to the public, but will also be accessible live on the internet all over Hungary and the world.

The competition is supported by the MOL-New Europe Foundation.


Contestants in the 1st semi-final and their porgramme:


Batllori Pages, Guillem (4)

Tchaikovsky: Vy mne pisali… Kogda by zhizn domashnim krugom – Onegin’s recitative and aria from Eugene Onegin

Verdi: È sogno? o realtà? – Ford’s aria from Falstaff


Choi, Beomseok (8)

Gounod: O sainte médaille... Avant de quitter ce lieux – Valentin’s recitative and aria from Faust

Rossini: Largo al factotum della città – Figaro’s cavatina from Il barbiere di Siviglia


Damian, Mihai (9)

Verdi: Son io mio Carlo... Per me giunto... Io morrò – Rodrigo’s recitative and aria from Don Carlo

Donizetti: Ma de’ malvagi invan… Vien, Leonora… De’ nemici tuoi lo sdegno – Alfonos’s recitative an aria from La favorita


De-Rel, Gabriel (10)

Verdi: Oh chi piange?... Del futuro nel bujo discerno – Zaccaria’s aria from Nabucco

Borodin: Greshno tait, ya skuki ne lyublyu – Galitzky’s aria from Prince Igor


Farreras, Gerard (14)

Ponchielli: Sì, morir ella de’!... Ombre di mia prosapia – Alvise’s recitative and aria from La Gioconda

Mozart: Tutto é disposto... Aprite un po’quegli occhi – Figaro’s recitative and aria from Le nozze di Figaro


Gebe-Fűgi Renáta (16) 

Bellini: Ah! non credea mirarti... Ah! non giunge uman pensiero – Aminaʼs arias from La Sonnambula

Ravel: Arrière! Je réchauffe les bons mais je brûle méchants – the Fireʼs aria from L’enfant et les sortilèges


Gwon Gyungmin Daniel (18)

Mozart: Hai già vinta la causa!... Vedrò, mentr’io sospiro – Count Almaviva’s recitative and aria from Le nozze di Figaro

Verdi: Son io mio Carlo... Per me giunto... Io morrò – Rodrigo’s recitative and aria from Don Carlo


Hajzušová, Tatiana (19)

Mozart: Tiger! Wetze nur die Klauen – Zaide’s aria from Zaide

Rossini: Sombre forêt – Mathilde’s aria from William Tell


Hippius, Zoe (20)

Thomas: À vos jeux, mes amis – Ophélie’s Mad Scene from Hamlet

Mozart: Martern aller Arten – Konstanze’s aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail


Keegan, Shannon (23)

Purcell: Thy hand Bellinda… When I am laid in Earth – Didoʼs lament from the opera Dido and Aeneas

R. Strauss: Sein wir wieder gut – the Composer’s aria from Ariadne auf Naxos


Kim Hyerim (24)

Braunfels: Ach, ach ach! Liebwerte Freunde, gegrüsst! – Prologue from Die Vögel

Rossini: Non si dà follia maggiore – Fiorilla’s aria from Il turco in Italia


Kim Jungrae Noah (25)

Korngold: Mein Sehen, mein Wähnen – Fritz’s aria from Die tote Stadt

Mascagni: Quella è una strada – Tartaglia’s monologue from Le maschere


Kim Seok Jun (26)

Verdi: Vieni, o Levita!... Tu sul labbro de’ veggenti – Zaccaria’s recitative and aria from Nabucco

Rossini: La calunnia è un venticello – Don Basilio’s aria from Il barbiere di Siviglia 



Click here for more information about the competitors.

Live stream during the event can be followed on Marton Competition's website and YouTube channel, and also on the Instagram of Liszt Academy.

Tickets for the Grand Final (7 September 2024, 6:00 p.m.) and the Gala Concert in the Hungarian State Opera (8 September 2024, 7:00 p.m.) can be purchased here:

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


Admission is free, subject to availability of seats.