24 February 2021, 19.30-21.00
Grand Hall
Here and Now
Amadinda Percussion Project
Presented by Liszt Academy
Streamed only
J. S. Bach: Concerto for Two Harpsichords in C major, BWV 1061
Barnabás Dukay: Lebegő pára a mélység színén – a kavargó esti szelekben (motet for four marimbas)
Couperin – Barnabás Dukay: Le tic-toc-choc, ou Les maillotins
Ravel: Le tombeau de Couperin
Thierry de Mey: Musique de table
Aurél Holló – Zoltán Váczi: Traditions I. / THE WINNING NUMBER – beFORe JOHN7
Elliot Cole: Postludes
Takemitsu: Wings
Javier Álvarez: Metro Chabacano
Amadinda Percussion Group: Károly Bojtos, Aurél Holló, Zoltán Rácz, Zoltán Váczi
Current and former students of the Liszt Academy: Dániel Láposi, Kornél Hencz, László Demeter, Bence Siptár, Dávid Burcsik, András Simon
Students of the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Music: Levente Tóth, Csombor Kerek, Zoltán Madaras (TanBorEn ensemble)
Students of the Bartók Conservatoire: Mátyás Holló, Boldizsár Kovács, Tímea Haász
Student of the Szent István Király Conservatory of Music: Kristóf Urbán
Conductor: Barnabás Dukay
Amadinda Percussion Group’s more than three-and-a-half-decade career is a particularly rich and internationally contextualized chapter in the history of modern instrumental performance art. In the case of similar leading formations, we usually mention the number of new works premiered, the long list of composers enjoying close working relationships with the given ensemble, and those works that have gained play-time and popularity comparable to classical works in the period since their debut. However, there is another aspect that is rarely mentioned yet one of perhaps even greater importance, and that is, that these groups have raised generations, shaped their tastes and become important workshops in the training process. Amadinda have been just such a workshop for very many years. In recent decades, students connected to the ensemble in a variety of ways have become important representatives of the Hungarian percussion performing arts, transplanting the spirit of Amadinda into the most influential orchestras and contemporary ensemble formations. The Amadinda Percussion Project builds on knowledge and experience accumulated over the decades, within the framework of which younger musician generations are involved in the programme under the direction and participation of the band members. One outcome of this collaboration is forward-looking chamber music concert programmes.

Presented by
Liszt Academy Concert Centre
This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic.