2 December 2018, 11.00-12.30

Solti Hall

BELIEVERS, COLOURS, RHYTHMS Presented by Liszt Academy

For 10-15-year-olds

Spirituals, gospels and songs of George Gershwin


Jazz And More Vocal Ensemble
Júlia Karosi Quartet: Júlia Karosi (vocals), Áron Tálas (piano), Ádám Bögöthy (double bass), Bendegúz Varga (percussion)
Moderator: Dániel Mona

Strange instruments, singing and clapping nuns, unusual polyphony and Latin masses set to music: the Liszt Kidz Academy samples all these this autumn – as well as, of course, examining what impact these have had on our favourite composers – as we launch a brand-new series Divine Music. The third Divine Music heads for distant lands: America, to be precise. The style everyone knows from the film Sister Act (gospels, spirituals) is recreated in Solti Hall, and we explore how exactly it is possible to turn towards God with this music. The Hungarian vocal ensemble Jazz And More is our guide on this journey. And if that is not enough to make everyone feel heavenly, songs by Gershwin, which are heavily inspired by lighter genres, are the cream on the jazz cake. The fantastic vocalist Júlia Karosi and her group, founded in 2009, play excerpts from their recently released album.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 400