4 April 2023, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Bartók Spring International Art Weeks
Benjamin Eredics: Castles, Warriors, Frontiers – premiere
Musical Play by Benjámin Eredics based on István Fekete's novel The Testament of the Aga of Koppány
Benjámin Eredics: Castles, Warriors, Frontiers
Current and former students of the Folk Music Department of the Liszt Academy
Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra
Fanni Mákszem, Magdolna Schaff, Róbert Kuti, Jiang Yiru, Boglárka Farkas, Gabriella Takács-Nagy, Ágoston D. Nagy, Bence Varga, Katalin Varró (violin), Előd Soós, Gábor Sinkovics, Tamás Bélik, Réka Szabó (viola), Cseperke Donáczi, Eszter Deli (cello), József Barcza Horváth, Ábel Dénes, Csongor Jobbágy, Péter Tóth-Kiss (double bass), Kristóf Oszecsinszkij, Inés Petricorena Rivas (clarinet), Zselyke Fehér (flute), Lilla Benkő, Fruzsina Mitnyan (oboe), Péter Husz (bassoon), Dóra Hajnal, Norbert Kiss, Péter Lakatos (bassoon), Attila Kőházi (trumpet), Jason Wolfe (trombone), Jácint Yuuka Hayashi-Kelemen, Miklós Veress, Martin Pinter, Alex Biró (percussion), Zsolt Szilveszter (hrpsichord), Vince Solymosi (cimbalom), Béla Szerényi Jr (zurna), Zalán Levente Horváth (zurna, pipe, recorder), Bálint Horváth, Balázs Csonka (tambura), Avas Máté Bendegúz (pipe), Vince Eredics (organ)
András Derecskei (conductor's assistent)
Péter Kiss (piano)
Benjámin Beeri (vocals)
Narrator: Géza Hegedűs D.
Conductor: Gergely Ménesi
Production design: Miklós Vecsei H.
Generations have enjoyed István Fekete’s 1937 novel, The Testament of the Aga of Koppány, and the film of the same title, which was made thirty years later. These works inspired Benjamin Eredics’s lively, eventful music for dance, in which the distinctive figures of the period and the romantic setting of the castles on the frontier are brought to life in the language of dance. The music of the piece compellingly blends the musical milieu of the late 16th century with folk music, the modern instrumental effects with the temperament of dance music. Replete with colour, this sumptuous world is conveyed by musicians who are at home in different styles, and the symphonic sound blends exhilaratingly with the tone of folk instruments. An awardee at Müpa Budapest’s 2020 Composition Competition, Benjamin Eredics’s work will be performed in its entirety for the first time at the Bartók Spring, while the choreographed dance theatre production will be premiered by the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble in the autumn, at the Liszt Fest.
Presented by
Müpa, Liszt Academy Concert Centre
HUF 2 500 - 6 500