Cobza Renaissance

5 November 2019, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Acoustic, authentic

Cobza Renaissance Presented by Liszt Academy

Mátyás Bolya & Friends

Mátyás Bolya (cobza, lute, zither), Balázs Szokolay Dongó (recorder, bagpipe, saxophone), Bori Fekete (vocals), Attila Buzás (saz, bass prime tambura), Dávid Eredics (bulgarian kaval, clarinet), László Szlama (cobza, zither), Zalán Csenki (cobza)

The Koboz Renaissance series launched in 2017 with the subtitle Rebirth of an instrument in Hungary. The increasingly popular instrument has proven its worth at numerous forums, most recently appearing – successfully – in front of the Liszt Academy Doctoral committee; this is where the idea of the concert arose. Mátyás Bolya is a true pioneer not only in the university department and folk music research but also as an instrumentalist. He has an intimate knowledge of Hungarian folk music but is also interested in the music of other peoples as well as early music. The style he has developed is unique, being modern and at the same time a kind of reconstruction of earlier styles of playing. His basic genre is folk music-inspired improvised chamber music. The concert is a musical summary of the past 20 years spent performing, along with old and new colleagues. Or as this extraordinarily exciting and varied repertoire is summed up in the subtitle of one of his albums: folk&impro.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 900