5 March 2023, 11.00-12.00
Grand Hall
Concerto Budapest Mozart Day 1
Opening concert
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K. 491
Mozart: Symphony No.38 in D major, K.504 ('Prague')
Mikhail Pletnev (piano)
Concerto Budapest
Conductor: Gábor Takács-Nagy
Artistic director: András Keller
Every year since 2018, Concerto Budapest have dedicated a one-day concert series to the evergreen favourite of classical music, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, or perhaps more accurately, to our like-minded and unappeasable Mozart fans. Thus the programme on the first Sunday in March 2023, when the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy host such brilliant artists as András Keller, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Barnabas Kelemen, Katalin Kokas, the Keller Quartet, the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra and the world star Mikhail Pletnev appearing as a pianist. From wind quintets to piano concertos, the art of Mozart is on full display in a series of four concerts that follow one after the other. “This day has remained with me as a bright, clear, lovely memory throughout my life. As though from afar, the magic notes of Mozart’s music still gently haunt me.” These are the words from 200 years ago of Franz Schubert about a day he spent with the music of his great and hugely respected fellow composer, and there is every chance that we, too, will recall this festival and celebration of Mozart with similar emotions.
Presented by
Concerto Budapest
HUF 2 200