3 November 2019, 19.00-20.30

Room X

Estefanía Avilés & Sebastián Ramírez Presented by Liszt Academy

Ponce: Marchita del alma (Withered the soul)
Rolón: Dibujos Sobre un Puerto (Drawings on a Port)
Ponce: Estrellita (Little Star)
Ponce: Prelude and Fugue on a Händel Theme
Villanueva: Poetic Waltz
Revueltas: Night of the Mayas (piano transcription by Sebastián Ramírez)
Grever: Despedida (Farewell)
Revueltas: Five Children Songs
Esperón: Íntima (Intimate Song)

Estefanía Avilés (soprano)
Sebastián Ramírez (piano)


Admission is free, but registration is required at culturalesembhun@sre.gob.mx email address.