1 December 2018, 18.00-20.30

Grand Hall


Miklós Kocsár: Works for Children’s Choir to the poems by Imre Csanádi, Volume 1 – 1. Tavaszébresztő, 2. Naphívogató
Miklós Kocsár: Works for Children’s Choir to the poems by Imre Csanádi, Volume 2 – 2. Keresgélő, 3. Suhogó
Miklós Kocsár: Works for Children’s Choir to the poems by Imre Csanádi, Volume 3 – 1. Sársokalló, 2. Levélsöprő, 3. Csilingelő, 4. Tél
Miklós Kocsár: Téli alkony (Three Pieces for Children’s Choir to Poems by Sándor Kányádi)
Cantemus Girl's Choir (conductor: Dénes Szabó)
Miklós Kocsár: Sound-Colour-Games
Ildikó Szabady, Dominika Ács (flute)
Miklós Kocsár: Fantasia and Fresh, Duo (Aria and Scherzo)
Anasztázia Razvaljaeva (harp), Erzsébet Seleljo (saxophone)
Kocsár Miklós: Tűzciterák (to the poem of László Nagy)
Miklós Kocsár: Karácsony, fekete glória (Seven Pieces for Women’s Choir to Poems by László Nagy) – 2. Várom a havat, 4. A jövő vacogása, 1. Karácsony, fekete glória
Pro Musica Girl's Choire (conductor: Dénes Szabó)


Miklós Kocsár: Libera me
Miklós Kocsár: O vos omnes
Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina
Pro Musica Girl's Choire (conductor: Dénes Szabó)
Miklós Kocsár: String Quartet 
Anna Gál-Tamási (violin), Júlia Szilágyi (violin), Vanessza Korb (viola), Hagiwara Riku (cello)
Kocsár Miklós: Hálog hasadj meg (folk prayer from the collection of Zsuzsanna Erdélyi)
Kocsár Miklós: Hegyet hágék (folk prayer from the collection of Zsuzsanna Erdélyi)
Miklós Kocsár: Csodafiú szarvas (to the poem by László Nagy)
Cantemus Mixed Choir (conductor: Soma Szabó)
Miklós Kocsár: Jubilate Deo
Cantemus Children's Choir, Cantemus Vegyeskar, Pro Musica Girl's Choir
Ágoston Tóka (organ)
Conductor: Dénes Szabó


Miklós Kocsár’s career reflects his vibrant, multifaceted and open-minded personality. He began music studies in the city of his birth, Debrecen. He proved to be a superb pianist; the Debrecen Csokonai Theatre employed him as a pianist and accordionist the year he left school. He then started playing clarinet and trombone in Zenede, Debrecen, where he became interested in jazz and also studied composition. His teachers at the Liszt Academy include such luminaries of Hungarian music as Ferenc Farkas, Lajos Bárdos, Pál Járdányi and András Szöllősy. Having completed his studies, Kocsár worked as editor with Zeneműkiadó publishing house, between 1963 and 1972 he was music director and conductor of the Madách Theatre, and from 1972 he taught composition at the Bartók Music Secondary School. Mirroring his myriad activities, his oeuvre is also extremely diverse: he has written for full orchestra, chamber orchestra and solo instruments, in addition to which he has several important vocal works to his name; indeed, his international reputation was built on the song cycle for Garcia Lorca poems, which debuted at the Warsaw music festival in 1968. Kocsár is a double Erkel Prize winner, he has also won the Bartók–Pásztory Prize, a Kossuth Prize, and the Order of the Cross of the Republic of Hungary. In 1992 he was a founding member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and has been a full member since 2011. The Liszt Academy pays tribute to the 85-year-old master with this commemorative concert.

Presented by

Cantemus Mixed Choir, Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 1 200