![Folk Dance House Day - Folk Dance House 50](/data/ZENEAKADEMIA.HU/2022_tavasz/sajat/_mg_5907_focuspoint_825x450.jpg)
6 May 2022, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Acoustic, authentic
Folk Dance House Day - Folk Dance House 50
Széki lassú, magyar és csárdás
Kalotaszegi hajnali nóta, legényes, csárdás és szapora
Dél-dunántúli énekek és furulyás dallamok
Békési román vonószene
Dél-alföldi hallgató, oláhos, csárdás és friss
Délszláv tamburamuzsika
Moldvai dallamok: : Édes Gergelem, öves, kecskés és szerba
Gömöri magyar juhásznóták
Horgosi juhászdalok
Százcsávási asztali nóta, sűrű verbunk, csárdás és féloláhos
Bonchidai ritkai magyar, csárdás és gyors csárdás
Mezőségi táncházas slágerek
Program: Péter Árendás
Host: Ferenc Sebő
Dance House Day is traditionally organized on the anniversary of the first ‘urban’ dance house in Hungary. The event has reached an important milestone since it is 50 years to the day that the experimental dance house in Budapest was arranged, an event that launched a movement. The methodology that became known all over the world as the dance house movement was entered into the register of UNESCO’s best practices in preservation in 2011 as a unique Hungarian model passing on the intellectual cultural heritage. The gala concert is part of a national series of events, which this year is being organized jointly by the Folk Music Department and Liszt Academy Concert Centre. The Béla Halmos Trophy and the Béla Halmos Memorial Medal are presented at a ceremony. The Trophy, which is actually the violin once owned by Béla Halmos, is presented to an under-40-year-old musician actively playing traditional folk instrumental music in dance houses, who in the course of his/her cross-border work maintains contact with Hungarian communities living beyond the country’s border. The Memorial Medal recognizes outstanding professional and community ‘background work’ within the framework of the Dance House Movement.
Presented by
Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont, Népzene Tanszék, Hagyományok Háza
HUF 1 900, 2 900, 3 900