4 June 2023, 16.00-18.00
Grand Hall
Hungarian Radio Children's Choir – season closing concert
Schelle: Christus, der ist mein Leben – cantata
Hej, a csabdi templom előtt; Elmégy rózsám; Vasárnap bort iszom; Sárga ló, sárga ló – folk songs from the collection of Zoltán Kodály Zoltán from Csabd and Mány
Bárdos: Choir of Small Childrens – Five bicíniums
Bárdos: Canons
M. Haydn: Vesperae pro festo sanctissimae Innocentium
Kodály: Pünkösdölő (Whitsuntide) (Whitsuntide)
Verdi: “Va’, pensiero” – choir of the Hebrew slaves from the opera Nabucco, Act 3
“A gőgős lány” – folk children game
Farkas: Finnish Popular Dances
Ligeti: Four Wedding Dances
Michael Bojesen: Plant a Tree
Bonse Aba – folk song from Zambia (arranged by Victor C. Johnson)
Hungarian Radio Children's Choir
Conductor: Soma Dinyés, Katalin Vargáné Körber
Presented by
Hungarian Radio Art Groups
HUF 1 500, 2 000, 2 500, 3 000