7 October 2020, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Journey of Galileo Presented by Liszt Academy

Joint performance by the Tartini Conservatory and the Belgrade College of Music


Ivan Fedele: The Journey of Galileo – multimedia opera

Featuring: students of Conservatory of Music “Giuseppe Tartini” and the University of Arts in Belgrade

The absolutely box-fresh music stage production of Ivan Fedele, contemporary Italian composer and music director of the Venice Biennale since 2012, pomises  to be novel and dynamic. The multimedia opera is in fact one of the most exciting new genres of the obviously original gesamtkunstwerk. In addition to parts of the scientific tracts and poetry of Galilei, the production also features ‘soundscapes’ recorded by NASA and visual contributions from Australian video-artist Andrew Quinn. Born in Lecce, the 67-year-old composer’s three musical stage works so far, the 1982 ‘cantata profana’, Oltre Narciso, the 2006 Antigone, and the 2015 Words and Music after Samuel Beckett, offer a rock solid guarantee that this is going to be a high standard experience, artistically and intellectually.

Presented by

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music


HUF 1 200