16 December 2023, 19.30-22.00
Grand Hall
Masters of the Orchestra
Kodály 141
Presented by Liszt Academy
Christmas songs of Nógrád county from the collection of Zoltán Kodály
Kodály : Bicíniumok – Magas fenyő (on a poem of Melinda Kistétényi), Azt hallottam én a héten, Falu végén
Kodály : Seven Easy Children’s Choruses – 6. Jó gazdasszony
Kodály : Jesus and the Children (on a poem of Dénes Szedő)
Karai: Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony (from the folk music collection of Zoltán Kodály)
Karai: Kirje, kirje, kisdedecske (from the folk music collection of Sándor Bálint)
Karai: A kis Jézus megszületett (from the folk music collection of István Volly)
Hunyadi Choir
Featuring : Imre Tihanyi (piano)
Conductor: Annamária Felszeghy-Tóth
Kodály: János köszöntő (Greeting to St John)
Kodály : Gömöri dal (Gömör Song)
Kodály : Stabat Mater
Kodály : Adventi ének (Advent Song)
Mixed Choir of Árpád Secondary School Óbuda, choirmaster: Erzsébet Kúnné Kocsis
Kodály : Jövel, Szentlélek Úristen (Come, Holy Ghost)
Kocsár: Laudate Dominum (Psalm CXVII.)
Kodály : Anna Molnár
Ferenc Erkel Mixed Choir, choirmaster: Zsófia Cseri
Kodály: Budavári Te Deum
Luca Dolhai (soprano), Vivienne Ortan (alto), Balázs Papp (tenor), Aron Ottó Jóhannsson (bass)
Liszt Academy Symphony Orchestra and Alma Mater Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)
Conductor: Gergely Ménesi
We offer an independent discount scheme for the concerts organized by the Liszt Academy. The discounts available are:
10% discount for the simultaneous purchase of tickets for two different concerts;
15% discount for the simultaneous purchase of tickets for three different concerts;
20% discount on the total purchase price if you buy tickets for four or more different concerts at the same time.
Presented by
Zeneakadémia Koncertközpont, KÓTA
HUF 2 100, 3 500, 4 700, 5 900