László Nyári & Miklós Környei Chamber Recital

7 November 2019, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Talent Obliges

László Nyári & Miklós Környei Chamber Recital Presented by Liszt Academy

Paganini for Guitar and Violin

Paganini: Sonata Concertata, Op. 61
Paganini: Le streghe – Variation on a Theme of Süssmayr's Il noce di Benevento, Op. 8 (transcription by Miklós Környei)
Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Capriccio diabolico, Op. 85 (‘Omaggio a Paganini’)
Paganini: Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor, Op. 7 – 3. Rondo à la clochette (‘La campanella’) (transcription by Miklós Környei)
Paganini: Sonata for Violin and Guitar in E minor, Op. 3/6
Paganini: 24 Caprices, Op. 1– No. 1 in E major (‘Arpeggio’), No. 5 in A minor, No. 9 in E major (‘The Hunt’), No. 13 in B-flat major (‘The Devil's Laughter’), No. 14 in E-flat major & No. 20 in D major
Legnani: 36 Caprices, Op. 20 – No. 5 in D major, No. 29 in F-sharp minor, No. 9 in E minor, No. 36 in E major, No. 22 in C minor, No. 15 in B minor & No. 7 in A major
Paganini: 24 Caprices, Op. 1– No. 24 in A minor (transcription by Miklós Környei)

Miklós Környei (guitar), László Nyári (violin)

The name Niccolò Paganini is generally associated with a single instrument, the violin, whereas it is often forgotten that he was an excellent guitarist as well, and this latter instrument played an important part in his compositional work. In addition to violin pieces that largely defined his oeuvre, he also wrote over a hundred works for guitar, and the instrument appears in virtually all his chamber compositions. A good example, although just symbolically, of the closeness he felt for both instruments is that by the age of 12 he had already composed his first variation series for violin and guitar, and among his first published works together with the 24 Caprices there are also two violin-guitar sonatas. The diversity of the virtuoso Italian instrumentalist is represented at this concert by violinist László Nyári and guitarist Miklós Környei. Together with the Paganini works, the recital includes a homage to 20th century Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and caprices by guitarist-composer Luigi Legnani.



The concert is followed by CODA – which is an informal conversation with the performers.

Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 2 500