27 July 2022, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

National Youth Choir of Hungary

Bárdos: Cantemus
György Orbán: Levél az otthoniaktól (Letter from Home)
Tallér: Odi et Amo
Barna Szabó: Virág és pillangó (Flower and Butterfly) (world premiere)
Máté Bella: Eternal Music
György Orbán: Szabad-é? (Shall I?)
Megyeri Krisztina: Magnificat
Miklós Csemiczky: Ad Mariam (world premiere)
Kodály: Jesus and the Traders
Mendelssohn: Denn er hat seinen Engel befohlen

National Youth Choir of Hungary
Conductor: Péter Erdei, László Norbert Nemes

Presented by

Filharmónia Hungary


Admission to the concert is free. Registration at budapest@filharmonia.hu between the 1st and the 24th of July.